Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Join Raye's family in prayer

In all of our lives, there are choices that must be made.

We can choose a path of peace and forgiveness.

Or we can choose a path of revenge, doubt, fear, and hate.

Raye followed the path that her family has walked for five years when she publicly forgave her ex mother-in-law for launching a campaign of hate and revenge against her after Raye lost her precious child to the hands of a man who deceived her. Raye has continued to follow that path throughout the days of her wrongful conviction.

As a result of her chosen path, God has placed many caring and compassionate people in Raye's life and the lives of her family members. We are all thankful for those who have blessed Raye along the way and to those who lift her up in continuous prayers and shield her heart against the untruths that are continuously told against her.

Today is the United Nation's International Day of Peace. Join us as we pray for peace to all of those who have chosen the path of hate and revenge.

Christianity: Soothing the conflicting shadows of our own soul, may we know peace; Loving our neighbors as ourselves, may we do peace; Vanquishing our hatred of difference, may we learn peace; Confronting injustice and indifference, may we teach peace; Serving God may we find peace ...and live in peace together.

Islam: May God's peace and mercy and blessings be upon you. Oh God, from you comes peace. You are peace. Spread peace through your greatness and vastness.

Hinduism: The Supreme is perfect and complete and all emanations from the Supreme, including this world and all living beings are perfect and complete...may we always strive to see one another as God sees us--as perfect and complete.

Buddhism: May all beings be peaceful, May all beings be happy, May all beings be safe, May all beings awaken to the light of their true nature, May all beings be free.

Judaism: Grant universal peace, Oh God, with happiness and blessing, grace love and mercy ...you have given us a guide to a life of caring, filled with generosity and contentment, kindness and well-being...may it please you to bless all your people in every season and at all times with your peace.

Learn more about the International Day of Peace at the following link.
